COVID-19: What Grandparents Can Do for Children Living with Parental Addiction
The following content is owned by the original authors, noted below, and is posted on this website as a public service only. ------ April...
April 7 Meeting will be held ONLINE
With the "stay at home" order in place for Westmoreland County, group leaders have decided to hold the April 2020 meeeting online, using...
Westmoreland County - Reduction in Overdose Deaths for Third Year
The Westmoreland County Drug Overdose Task Force has posted updated figures and facts on the drug crisis:
Reclaimed: Come hear the story of 3 Survivors
RECLAIMED: Come hear a story of 3 Survivors who faced their pain to restore their lives. Speaker Panel Hosted by: Rooted Outreach 9:00...
Drug Take Back Day - Sat. 10/26/2019
A Drug Take Back Day will be held at the Penn Crossing Shopping Center on Saturday, October 26, 2019. Look for the Penn Township Police...
Penn Township Parade, 9/21/2019
PTCDA will be represented by several members in the Penn Township festival parade. Also representing the group's educational mission...
Overdose Prevention Education - Save A Life Today
Overdose Prevention Training and K-9 Demonstration, FREE and open to the public. Location: Penn-Zion’s Lutheran Church, 3417 Route 130...
Herbal "Kratom" contains opioids
U.S. health authorities say the herbal supplement kratom, which is often promoted as a natural alternative pain remedy, actually contains...
Drug Crime Team diverting drugs headed for SW PA
a team of local investigators has diverted half a million dollars worth of drugs destined for distribution in southwest Pennsylvania. The...
Youngwood man arrested in heroin bust
The driver told police that they regularly distribute heroin in the Youngwood and New Stanton areas. Police seized from the car and the...