Westmoreland overdose deaths at new high
Following five fatal overdoses, Coroner Kenneth Bacha released a tentative total to date of 130 drug deaths for 2016 -- more than the126...
NPR: todays addicts are white, suburban
Heroin was once the scourge of the urban poor, but today the typical user is a young, white suburbanite, a study finds. And the path to...
Impact of drug abuse on county taxes
Each fatality costs taxpayers an average of nearly $3,000 — the costs of the related investigation, an autopsy, testing, transportation...
PTCDA on Parade & at Penn Twp. Festival
A small representative group from PTCDA will march in the Saturday morning parade, in conjunction with area Lions Clubs. An...
2015 opioid deaths spiked in W. PA
In this Trib article by Brian Bowling, 2015 data for Western PA opioid abuse and overdose statistics are verified, and frightening trends...
Jeannette 'pill ring' pushed more than 8,000 pills in 15 months
Several Jeannette residents charged with fraudulently acquiring and possessing controlled substances, possession of a controlled...
Westmoreland Community Action drug help line: 1-844-897-8927, 7pm-2am
With funding in place for several years of service, WCA's newest effort to deal with substance abuse and addiction is underway from 7pm...
Pair from Penn Hills, Monroeville caught selling heroin to officer at Delmont Walmart
May 13: Two local men caught selling a brick of heroin to an undercover state trooper in the parking lot of the Delmont ("Murrysville")...
Westmoreland district courts 1st in PA to offer drug treatment as an alternative
This TRIBlive article describes the new effort to provide intervention for defendents in Magesterial courts who show early signs of drug...
New hotline launched in Westmoreland County: 1-844-897-8927
WPXI's story on Westmoreland Community Action-based Drug and Alcohol task force's new hotline that operates 7:00pm - 2:00am daily. ...